Sunday, October 23, 2011

meet 10/23

My proposed agenda for our meeting this evening:

Stephanie and Brian report findings from their trip to Detroit.  What do people want that is achievable within the scope of our project?  What do people not want that we can explicitly avoid doing?  What do they want/not want that we have no ability to address?  Our best bet here is direct response to explicit requests.  It's important to me that we're not presuming to reflect our (super limited) knowledge of people's culture or identity back to them.  That's not our role.

Kevin and Lauren report on investigations with the sponsored LEDs.   Should we use them? what do they enable?  What do they not allow for?  has john gotten back to us on how many we'd get to have?

Ben presents a conduit mock up of a potential sub-assembly.  Specific tectonic options.  Potential for a more limited menu of connections/sizes (economy).  

Keenan has a digital model of the site with proposed installation.  discussion at the level of the site.  How might above mock up aggregate/proliferate/sequence.  Come to a resolution on discussion of dispersed vs. singular formal gesture, and precise location on site.  

Presentation.  what content?  what order? who is responsible for what slides?  who says what?  what physical mock up do we want to have on hand?

Is there another meeting before Tue?  when? what is everyone off to work on next.
Potentially break into smaller groups to tackle deliverables for Tuesday.

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